
If you have a novel; or a series of short stories; or some of your favourite poetry; perhaps a teaching aid, that you’d like to see in print, contact us.

If you have a manuscript that needs editing, or assistance with formatting, contact us.

If you would like assistance getting your manuscript ready for publication, we can help you.

We have access to editors who can look at your manuscript to check spelling and grammar. Or, you might want a more in-depth assessment, we have editors that can look at that as well.

Perhaps you have an idea for a story but you’re unsure of how to proceed? We can assist you to get your ideas written down.

To make further enquiries or for more information, see our contacts page.

Here are some of the Services we have available;


Anthology Advanced:-

This is a complete package that allows a group to produce an Anthology of the group’s combined works. This can be poetry, short stories, story excerpts. It depends on the type of writing your group does. This package includes print and eBook products and will be made available for sale through our channel partners.

THP admin fee (non-refundable), ISBNs, Barcode, Publication-ready Formatting – PB & eBook, Website update, Print-Ready Proofread, Paperback & eBook loading, Proof copy, Cover Design (up to 3 hours)


Anthology Basic:-

This is a package that allows a group to produce an Anthology of the group’s combined works. This can be poetry, short stories, story excerpts. It depends on the type of writing your group does. This package does not include an eBook and print copies can be sold by the group as required.

This package includes: THP admin fee (non-refundable), ISBN, Barcode, Publication-ready Formatting, Print-Ready Proofread, Proof copy, Cover Design (up to 3 hrs)


‘That One Day’ Basic:-

If you want to say that you have published a book, but don’t want to sell it, then this is the package for you.

This package includes: THP admin fee (non-refundable), Publication-ready Formatting, Print-Ready Proofread, Proof copy, Cover Design (up to 3 hrs)



Print run of books for the above packages is priced separately as it depends on the total number of pages included, as well as any illustrations or pictures.

General Writing (up to 3 hours).

General Writing, 1/2 hour or part thereof:-

  • This covers, amongst other things; ghost writing, tables of contents and index pages, etc.

Webstore listing fee (per site).

Sampler (20pp):-

  • This is a sample of the first 20 pages of your manuscript to use as handouts at promotional events without the need to give away a full copy of the book.

Promo Pack (posters, post cards):-

  • We can arrange to have posters, postcards, bookmarks and similar products so you can use them at promotional events.

Artwork (pictures, illustrations, etc.).

Cover Design (up to 3 hours).

Cover Design (per hour after 3 hours):-

  •  These services cover all aspects of design for the cover of the book or for internal illustrations (mostly black and white).

Edit/Assessment (up to 85000 words).

Proof Read (Spelling/Grammar) up to 85000 words.

Edit/Assessment (up to 30000 words).

Proof Read (Spelling/Grammar) up to 30000 words.

Extra 10000 word blocks (or part thereof).


  • A basic assessment allows for spelling and grammar only to be checked in a manuscript.
  • An advanced assessment also checks spelling and grammar, but will check for consistency in tense and style. The advanced assessment also looks at character and plot continuity.